51th ARSfilm of Amateur Filmmakers

International competition of films focused on art




Start on Friday 10 May 2024, end 12 May 2024.

The application deadline is 21. 4. 2024
Notice of the result of the selection procedure will be published by 29. 4. 2024

Venue: Dům osvěty u Antoníčka, Trtílkova 22, Brno – Divišova čtvrť, Czech Republic
(Trtílkova 892/22, 612 00 Brno – Lesná)


Milan Šebesta (CZ)
Ladislav Munk (SK)
Pavlína Taubingerová (CZ)

In detail:

ARSfilm of Amateur Filmmakers (further AAF) is an international competition that is open to artists and teams of artists with their films, which are created on a non-commercial basis and which correspond to the categories of the competition. The work must meet the technical standards and must not have been submitted to this contest in the past. Students of 1st or 2nd year of film colleges, academies, mass media faculties, and universities with a focus on related film categories may also participate. Each filmmaker (or team) can submit a maximum of three films. Movies recommended by the selection committee that meet the requirements of artistic quality and also correspond to the published categories will be accepted for competition and screening.

Competition Categories:

Films that match the content of the competition categories are accepted into AAF:

I experimental films – alternatively conceived audiovisual works
II films about art – includes films from all fields of art
III ethnographic films (simple recordings of a live performance are not accepted)
IV animated films – created by any animation technique

Technical conditions for participation:

Films sent primarily electronically via the “uschovna.cz/en/?set_lang=en“, “wetransfer.com” or similar to the address: arsfilm@khiaf.eu

or physically to the address:
Klub historie amatérského filmu, z.s.
Krajní 16
635 00 Brno

Note: When sending the film electronically, you need to send your info to this email: arsfilm@khiaf.eu

The recording must be created in the European standard (50i, 25p). Minimum resolution SD (720×576), maximum FullHD (1920×1080). Mono or stereo sound.
The formats mpg2, mp4, mov are accepted electronically. Movies are received physically on DVDs or BDs, either as DVD-video (BD-video), or data format on a medium (mpg2, mp4, mov). There should not be any other recording on the medium, only the competition film(s).
The medium must have the necessary identification data (at least the author’s name and title).

The duration of the film must not exceed 20 minutes. In exceptional cases, the selection committee can grant an exception.

Films in original languages other than Czech, Slovak or English must contain subtitles localized in one of the three languages mentioned above. A comment sheet (dialogue sheet) in electronic form is welcome.

The applicant is responsible for complying with copyright and other laws. The contest organizer reserves the right to exclude any materials that do not correspond to the specifications or are otherwise defective. Organizers do not accept any responsibility for the loss or damage of the package by shipment.

Application forms:

You can use the attached form to sign up


For each entry, the participant will pay a participation fee to the AAF main organizer.

(Without this fee, the film will not be accepted for competition and shipped back to the applicant. The author must then pick up the medium in person within twelve months of the end of the competition, otherwise it will become the property of the organizer.)

Participation fee: 10 Euros.

Bank account:

Fio banka, a.s., V Celnici 10, 117 21 Praha 1

IBAN: CZ8720100000002900306186, BIC/SWIFT: FIOBCZPPXXX

The organizer will send diplomas and medals to non-attending authors by post, but material prizes will be awarded only to those who are present at the awards ceremony.


Accommodation is booked in economy double rooms and, depending on the financial situation, the organizer may be able to make a financial contribution towards accommodation.

Evaluation of competition work:

Each submitted film must go through pre-selection. The selection committee will accept for competition those films that correspond to the thematic focus, and meet the artistic and technical requirements.

At the competition screening, the films will be evaluated by an international expert jury appointed by the organizer.

The decisions of the selection committee and expert jury are final. The selection committee and jury also have the right to reassign the film to a different competition category than that indicated by the applicant or filmmaker.

The jury awards:
Láďa Františ Award (ČSFV Award) for the best film of an attending filmmaker – material award

Prizes for 1st – 3rd places in each category

• The jury may also award additional prizes from sponsors and co-organizers, diplomas for the creative components of films and honorable mentions

The jury also has the right to not award the prizes, or, after consultation with the organizer, to duplicate prizes


• The application deadline is 21. 4. 2024; films delivered after this deadline will not be included in this year’s competition

• Notice of the result of the selection procedure will be published by 29. 4. 2024

• The 50th ARSfilm of Amateur Filmmakers will start on Friday 10 May 2024 in the Hall of Dům Osvěty u Antoníčka, Trtílkova 22, Brno (ČR)

Please note:

The organizer reserves the right to make copies of selected images for non-commercial use and the AAF archive.

During the event, photographic or audiovisual documentation will be acquired to promote the competition and for archival purposes. By their attendance, the participants express consent to having their photo/video images taken and their publication.

Main organizer:

Amateur Film History Club

Send all correspondence and applications to:

Klub historie amatérského filmu, z.s.
Krajní 16, č.p. 87
635 00 Brno

E-mail: arsfilm@khiaf.eu
(Telefon 733 307 520)

The event will take place with the financial support of

Ministerstva kultury ČR

městské části Brno-sever

Partneři a spolupořadatelé:

ČSFV z.s., Kroměříž


48. ročník (2021) <- klikni

49. ročník (2022) <- klikni

50. ročník (2022) <- klikni